Personal Training costly?

WellSupport Health Plan

Effective and affordable coaching for everyone

The term Personal Training, still blocks many people, because it would be expensive. But is that true? We would like to show you that Personal Training exists in various forms and is justified as an investment.
Sufficient exercise is an essential element of a healthy body and mind. If your focus is on losing weight, then it is good to realize that you do not lose weight by just moving.
That is why a professional intake is so important to come to good advice in which you will achieve your health goals.

  • Wellsupport programs make the chance of the JoJo effect small.
  • Wellsupport does not use a one-fit-all approach, but assesses what suits you best. The content of your wallet is therefore also part of the intake.
  • Because the Wellsupport programs are recognized, there are reimbursements at various health insurers.

Personal Training costly?

  • What is your situation? Answer the following questions, and we will quickly come up with a suitable proposal.

  • Your data